Monday, July 3, 2017

8 Ways Bilingualism Can Further Your Career and Boost Your Income by Charles Ebert

Speaking two languages fluently is great. You can read more books in the original language, you can easily communicate with more people of different nationalities, and you can use your bilingualism to find a better job. However, many people don't even understand how lucky they are when by knowing two or more languages.

There are multiple studies of bilingualism's effect on different aspects of human life and each of them proves that it's a huge advantage. Let’s have a closer look at how knowledge of two languages affects your career development.

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make is thinking that bilingualism is important for translators only and this can never be applied in any other sphere. We are going to destroy this myth and prove you that your knowledge of two languages can become a moving power for your career no matter what position you take right now.

Your Resume Gets More Views

If you are currently looking for a new job never miss a chance to show on your resume that you know two languages. Firstly, this will definitely make you stand out among other applicants and job seekers, and secondly, it will help you to reach international companies who are always looking for candidates fluent in two or more languages. Also, consider getting a bilingual resume to attract more companies.

Work for International Companies

As we've already mentioned, international companies give preference to candidates who speak multiple languages. In some cases, they're ready to hire inexperienced rookies who speak Swedish fluently because they need someone to communicate with Swedish partners who may not speak English.

Move Abroad

If you can't find a job in your country, you can always try to find it in another country where you speak the language. In this case, you'll have the advantage of speaking another language fluently, and every company dreams to have bilingual staff on their team.

Get a Better Salary

Companies are ready to pay you more just because you know a second language. It makes you an extraordinary employee who can also help the business to conquer the international market.

You're a Better Multitasker and a Better Candidate

Multitasking is one of the advantages of being bilingual. Psychological studies have determined a close relation between speaking two and more languages and the ability to perform several tasks simultaneously without a loss in quality. HR managers who about this will definitely want to invite you to an interview.

Find a Common Language with More People

Being culturally aware and communicating well is hugely important for international businesses. Your boss will want to take you to events where your knowledge of the two languages can help to establish more contacts and find more clients.

You can find freelance jobs connected with languages

If you are good with words, you should consider freelance copywriting or translation. If you are good at problem-solving, why not become a international consultant? There are plenty of opportunities. Just find something that works good for you!

Get Promoted Quickly

Bilinguals are multitaskers. They can act as problem solvers for international companies and, in some cases, are responsible for translations or even representing the company. This can lead to quicker promotions. Of course, in addition to language knowledge, you also have to be good in your field. However, if we compare bilinguals to those who speak only one language, the tend to be promoted quicker.

If you are bilingual, don't waste your time thinking about where to apply your knowledge. Thousands of the companies from all over the world are already looking for you. You need to write a résumé in both languages and indicate in your LinkedIn profile that you speak two languages.

Draw attention to your CV and get in touch with different companies! We hope that these advantages have been helpful and you'll use this knowledge to move towards getting your perfect job.

Charles is a career mentor, motivational speaker & human resources consultant with over 10 years of experience in HR sector. Apart from career mentoring, he loves photography and football. Find him on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook & Google+.

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