Friday, February 14, 2014

How Learning a Language is Social by Jake Stainer

If you love travelling it can be very useful to learn a little of the language of the country you are visiting. Local people appreciate visitors who can speak or try to speak their language even if it's just to say "hello", "thank you" or "goodbye". It's also a great achievement for the individual if they can master another language other than their own tongue and also very interesting to see how a different country's language differs to the structure of theirs. To help you along, why not change your social media account into a language you would like to learn fluently? That is to say Facebook, your mobile phone, Twitter or any web page you are browsing. 

Socialising is at the heart of language learning.
Make new friends

Whether you attend classes to learn a new language of your choice or participate in a social language learning course, it's a good way to make new friends. Why not find a pen pal in a country that you are learning the language of? This is a fantastic opportunity to learn verbs, nouns, adjectives and the general layout of sentences. Online courses offer individuals the chance to practice speaking a foreign language, the intonation of words, along with any tonal use. Some languages are more difficult than others, so as your first social language learning, choose something that's not only easy to learn, but to read and write too. Online language learning is growing rapidly as most people have access to the internet. This method has transformed the more traditional classroom ways of language learning by using educational software applications. 

Attending language classes

If you prefer attending language classes at a college for instance, it's possible to combine them with online resources. Social media enables everyone to communicate and connect with a worldwide audience not only finding places in online education establishments but individual teachers too. Another good way to learn a language is to take part in a holiday exchange with someone who is eager to try their skills in your language. It is recommended to have a smattering of the language of the country you intend to visit. In a short space of time, speaking the language on a daily basis with foreigners will soon help to understand what they say. 

Integrating in any country is fairly easy and straightforward to do, especially if the people see you are trying to communicate with them. Once you get over your initial nervousness saying the wrong word, using the wrong tense or speaking in the wrong tone, you will enjoy the challenge. To become fluent in another language takes time, so don't expect miracles to happen after a week or so. Think back to when you were at school. Many students had to learn a foreign language with classes being held every day for a couple of hours. It will take you a long time to fully master any language and become fluent. However, once you get the gist of new words, plurals, adjectives and where they go as well as using the right tone, you will be so proud of yourself. Don't give up, after all everyone is capable of speaking in their Mother tongue, so it is possible that you can speak not just one other language, but many.

Learn a language online with Papora.

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